The World Has Made it possible For Poeple To Throw Off Accountability And Walk Shameless 

To Live In the Glory Of Thier Own Lies In Hope's They Souls Remain Stainless  

In Reference To Skin You wont Win Even with Factz  

The closer Your Skin is to the most beautiful perfect Black  

What Many Have Figured Right after They Stab the Lady or pull the Trigger, they might dull the blow of consequences if they could only blame a Nigga 

The Die is Solidified Its Easy As Cake If thier is A Brown Person Nearby we will negate our mistakes.  

The Mass Mind already molded to Fit the Most Horrific tales of All Things Black  

That when anything goes boom  

It's quite ap a pro to say a Nigga Did that  

The nigga out Route is a Road  

Well traveled  

Its filled with Broken black necks from nueces and corrupt judges Gavels 

It's a road littered with hollow allegations and Feeble Lies 

A system so Corrupt even  

Justice herself has to cover 

Her eyes  

It's not hard to Sell a Nigga Did it Fable it's the running story on the 6 o'clock news and The Major motion flick on your cable  

you seduced that mandingo  

Had that pole swole in your navel  

Till the day she catch a nerve same rod rider yell rape now your futures getting table 

Common Nigga out route  

Just point to the nearest One  

And we will ruin his image and  

Destroy his life for fun  

No one questions how was a 68 year old black Grandmother with mental illness gonna hurt a room full of fully equipped cops  

They just be like black bitch was outta line she deserve to get shot. 

Black is treated as if Humanity does not apply  

Bcuz a Melanin deficient tribe came up with the idea of the great white supremacy lie 

And Got the many many over time; 

To believe in the madness  

Born of Melanin Dificient Minds 

So much so we treat each other As they do  

We know what nigga routes is about bcuz alot of us use this way too 

So be Woke, Read the Signs  

Cuz this Ain't no Joke 

You can transcend Above with a Strong Portion of Self Love  

Faith Belief and Hope 

Otherwise you walk this world like you on the yard nigga dont drop the soap 

Either Evolve into Your All Mighty GOD or continue to play this Societies Dope  

Staying Stuck In Ruts, chasing shiney cloths and big butts  

Mired in sorrow and bathing in doubt  

Forever doomed to be this worlds NIGGA OUT ROUTE. 


Written by Malik H Uhuru 

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